6 effective ways to Boost a Healthy Self-Esteem

Waweru k
7 min readSep 21, 2021

“Take control of yourself.”

How can you stand up for yourself and feel good about it?

Learn how you can work on building your self-confidence in the face of anxiety, depression, or grief with these six tips for managing stress and boosting confidence.

1. Stop Comparing Yourself to others

Pay Attention! The first step towards positive change is awareness. Take notice of how often you look at what other people have or do and monitor whether thoughts such as “I wish I had that” run through your head.

Instead, focus on positive thoughts about who you are, what positive traits make up your character and the positive ways in which others view you. If there are positive things that make you unique (and really, there are tons!), appreciate those positive qualities about yourself even if no one else does. Don’t worry about being better than anyone else; worry about being the best version of yourself.”

These will help keep track of things you can feel good about or even note any positive thoughts or reminders from today’s activities into

2. Be kind to yourself

If your self-esteem is low, it can be easy to get caught up in believing that you aren’t good enough. However, it’s important to remember that nobody is perfect and that accepting your flaws will help you see what makes you unique and special.


Don’t mope! Instead of focusing on negative thoughts about yourself (e.g., I am so fat), think of something nice about yourself (e.g., I am wearing cute jeans). Get started by trying some positive affirmations for confidence. You can also recite these affirmation phrases when you’re feeling terrible about yourself or if things aren’t going right in. If there are things that you like about yourself (e.g., I am good at singing), appreciate those positive things and stop feeling any guilt or shame.

Here are healthy controls for self-love;

a.Learn to empathize with others

Practice empathy by putting yourself in other people’s shoes and making an effort to understand what they are going through. It will help you see the world from a different perspective and tap into your compassion; it can also help boost your self-esteem and improve your relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners. Therefore, be honest that sometimes being imperfect is part of living.

b.Become aware of thoughts and beliefs

Your feelings can be positive, negative, or neutral. They can be rationally based on facts, or they may be irrational. Tell me the reason your assumptions are correct or if they are untrue? If you can don’t say these things to someone else, don’t say this to yourself.

Maybe your thoughts reflect false ideas or rational beliefs. For example, consider what you’re telling yourself and your interpretation of what this situation means and if you think it’s a good thing.

3. Take on your biggest challenges, one at a time.

Taking courage in knowing that you are not the only person who has dealt with this fear, and it is by facing these fear, and you can build self-confidence. It can be extremely frightening to do something for the first time or in front of others. Instead of focusing on fears, focus on positive things that happen in life instead of dwelling on the negative aspects.

Focus more on building self-assurance than anything because mental illness often correlates with it. For example, you may realize that the worst thing that could happen is not as bad as you thought. Therefore, it is essential to become aware of your feelings so that you can control them better.

a. Reward yourself

Do something that makes you and others happy, and reward yourself for all the hard work you do throughout the week. Working on yourself and your mind is a long-term process, and it requires commitment and dedication. It’s essential to be patient with yourself and accept that you might slip up some days.

b. Become more assertive and learn to say no

Often, those who struggle to speak up have problems telling others how much to respect them. Therefore many people become stressed out at work and home because they don’t like refusing anyone anything. However, it is essential for improving your confidence and self-confidence.

Choose your battles, and don’t be afraid to put yourself first. Moreover, it is better not to say anything than end up in an unhealthy situation that you regret later. You can also ask someone else for help instead of saying no all the time; this way, you get support from other people.

4. Practice positive self-talk

Positive self-talk is the practice of speaking to yourself in a manner that provides you with encouragement, motivation, or other benefits. When was the last time we talked? How can I help improve our chances next time around if things don’t go as planned! What has been working for me so far, and what might work again tomorrow? Let’s put those ideas together, too, because no one knows better than us when their energy will be at its highest point before starting something new Again.

a. Step back from your thoughts

These exercises can help you look beyond automatic beliefs and thoughts to observe them. Instead of having to change your thoughts or actions, stop your feelings and actions completely. Remember that these are simply words. Imagine seeing your negative thoughts or singing lyrics on other objects and seeing them written on these. You may even sing music in your thoughts which helps you understand it better than you.

b. Accept your thoughts

It can be tough to handle negative thoughts, but there are some things you should know. First of all, remember that we deserve respect and attention from ourselves every day because our needs matter!

Secondly, try not to overwhelm yourself with negativity by accepting it instead of refusing or avoiding anymore — these steps may seem uncomfortable at first, for this process gets easier after practicing over time.

And lastly, have faith- believe everything will work out well even if they don’t feel good now while waiting patiently on God’s timing which He has always managed best without fail.

5. Focus on what you can change

Your thoughts are about the things you can’t control, whereas your actions are the things you can. It is helpful to use both types of thinking. However, you should focus on solving problems instead of dwelling on them because they will only worsen if not solved quickly.

Life doesn’t always happen as planned or wanted, but it can still be a great ride. If you face your fears and focus on what you can control, everything will work out well in the end. Believe that beautiful things are going to happen in the coming days because they always have!

a.Identify and challenge your negative belief.

We all have negative thoughts and feelings from time to time, as no one is immune. However, it’s essential to identify the negative beliefs that may be causing your feeling of procrastination. When you’re feeling down or feeling like procrastinating, ask yourself: What am I feeling now? Maybe my feeling is shyness, loneliness, nervousness, vulnerability? That feeling could be a belief — for instance, and maybe you believe that being vulnerable means you’ll be hurt or embarrassed.”

You can also identify these beliefs by writing them down. Ask yourself: Why are you feeling this way right now? What feeling do you have? I feel scared, confused, frustrated.

What feeling do you have because of that feeling? For example, I’m feeling stressed and overwhelmed because I’m afraid I won’t know what to do. Instead, try writing down something positive about yourself before coming back to this list of ideas again.

6. Do something creative.

Creative challenges allow us to bring the Flow back to our lives. Creativity stimulates the brain, hence the more significant the benefits of using it. So take out the old guitar, write a poem or a joke, take a dance class or participate in community theatre. The fact that we try something new will only increase our motivation in the end.

a. Affirm your true worth.

Make a list of all the things you do well and are good. Then make another list of everything else you could offer to others, including pastimes that benefit your community or activity skills employed in a job. Finally, think about how previous employers have recognized your talents and value for the work you’ve done since graduation from university.

b. Improve Your Physical Fitness Based On The Result Of Your Physical Fitness Test

People with poor feelings of self-confidence frequently neglect themselves because they don’t think they should. Instead, try exercising a bit more regularly, getting enough sleep to get through the day. It is essential to make time for something that makes sense for you than something others might require.

Maybe a simple change to your attitude will change your mind in the concise term. Try taking one or two simple steps to improve your image for others.

Final Thought

Sometimes it feels like you’re the only person in the world who struggles with self-doubt or that your problems are too big to overcome. But this isn’t true! Everyone has moments where they feel alone, scared, and unmotivated — even when their lives seem perfect on social media. We all have our fears and doubts about ourselves. The difference is that some of us choose not to let them stop us from doing what we love in life, while others succumb to these feelings every day for years without ever getting out of bed in the morning because they don’t know how else to do them cope with their emotions. So if you’re reading this right now feeling overwhelmed by your thoughts and feelings, perhaps try something new or do something old differently just for fun. You never know what will happen if you put your mind to it!



Waweru k

Passionate about freelance writing, SEO content writing, blog post and web content.